(Platte, Clay, Jackson, Lafayette, Cass, Johnson, Pettis, Bates, Henry, and Benton Counties)

Name: Kansas City Witches, Wiccans, Heathens, and Pagans Meetup
Location: Independence, MO
Contact person: Laurie Urbancrone@gmail.com
Meetup: https://meetu.ps/c/19xR/162WK/d
Type: Open
Accepting new members: Yes

Name: Sacred Well Congregation
Location: Butler, MO
Contact person: Shane Nelson
Website: www.sacredwell.org
Type: Non-denominational nature-centered church and fellowship

(Callaway, Osage, Gasconade, Franklin, Jefferson, Maries, Phelps, Crawford, Washington, and Dent Counties)

Name: Heathen Kindred Community
Location: Rosebud, MO
Contact person: Seth Zelch zelch777@yahoo.com
Type: Folkish Heathen
Accepting new members: Yes

(Putnam, Schuyler, Scotland, Clark, Sullivan, Adair, Knox, Lewis, Livingston, Linn, Macon, Shelby, Marion, Chariton, Randalph, Monroe, Ralls, Pike, Audrain, Saline, Howard, Boone, Cooper, Montineau, Cole, Montgomery, Lincoln, and Warren Counties)

Name: Conclave of the Craft
Location: Columbia, MO
Contact person: Amy Rhea handmaiden@conclaveofthecraft.org
Website: https://conclaveofthecraft.org/
Type: Traditional Wicca
Accepting new members: Yes

Name: Sisters of the Dawn
Location: Columbia, MO
Contact person: Sister Anipe sistersofthedawn@gmail.com
Type: Eclectic
Accepting new members: Yes, to people 18+ (though 21+ is preferred)

Name: Spirit Awakening Witan Shrine
Location: Boonville, MO 65233
Contact person:
Type: Correllian Wicca

Name: Three Torches Temple
Location: Columbia, MO
Contact person: River threetorchestemple@gmail.com
Type: Eclectic
Accepting new members: Yes. We do not practice skyclad or sex magic.

(Atchison, Nodaway, Worth, Gentry, Harrison, Mercer, Grundy, Holt, Andrew, Dekalb, Daviess, Buchanan, Clinton, Caldwell, Ray, and Carroll Counties)

None known

(Morgan, Miller, Hickory, Camden, Polk, Dallas, Laclede, Pulaski, Greene, Webster, Wright, Texas, Shannon, Christian, Douglas, Stone, Taney, Ozark, Howell, and Oregon Counties)

Name: Black Dragon Asatru
Location: Houston, MO
Contact person: Janet mcgrathjanet81@gmail.com
Type: Asatru
Accepting new members:

Name: Hrafan Temple of Seax-Wica
Location: Springfield, MO
Contact person: RevSylvanus Treewalker sylvanus93@hotmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/896833294476756
Type: Saxon Witchcraft
Accepting new members:

(St. Genevieve, St. Francois, Perry, Iron, Madison, Reynolds, Bollinger, Cape Giardeau, Carter, Wayne, Scott, Ripley, Butler, Stoddard, New Madrid, Mississippi, Dunklin, and Pemiscot Counties)

None known

(Vernon, St. Clair, Cedar, Barton, Dade, Jasper, Lawrence, Newton, McDonald, and Barry Counties)

Name: Circle of the Sacred Drum Witan Shrine
Location: Cedar Hollow, MO
Contact person: Rev. David R. Cobb, HP shaman_school@sacreddrumcircle.org
Website: https://circleofthesacreddrum.yolasite.com/
Type: Correllian Wicca

(St. Charles and St. Louis Counties)

Name: The Order of the White Road
Location: St. Louis, MO
Contact person: Secretariat
Website: https://www.thewhiteroad.org/
Type: Hermetic Fraternal Lodge
Accepting new members: Yes, to seekers 18+

Name: Spirit’s Edge Shamonial Temple
Location: St. Louis, MO
Contact person: ravins52252@mypacks.net or on the website
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/SpiritsEdgeShamonialTemple
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/SpiritsEdgeASeekersSalon/
Website: www.spiritsedge.org
Type: Spirit’s Edge Shamonial Tradition
Accepting new members: Yes

Name: Web of Arcane
Location: St. Peters, MO
Contact person: Asteria
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/654767781572761
Type: Eclectic Witchcraft
Accepting new members: This is a women-only semi-private circle

Name: Sacred Realm of Aine Witan Shrine
Location: Missouri
Contact person: Rev. Christine Higginbotham
Type: Correllian Wicca

If you have any groups to add or there are any dead links, please contact Rev. Autumn Stoneflower at autumn.stoneflower@gmail.com

If you would like to donate to help pay for our webhosting, please consider donating to Autumn Stoneflower at PayPal at autumn.stoneflower@gmail.com or you can schedule a regular donation at Patreon.