(Wasco, Sherman, Gilliam, Jefferson, Wheeler, Crook, Deschutes, Lake and Klamath Counties)
Name: Witches of Central Oregon
Location: Bend, OR
Contact person: Kristin Castro
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/321043772636714/
Type: All are welcome
Accepting new members:
(Morrow, Umatilla, Union, Wallowa, Baker, Grant, Harney and Malheur Counties)
Name: Old Ways, New Paths
Location: Wallowa, OR
Contact person: Willow Amethyst oldwaysnewpaths@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/428782101086538/
Type: Eclectic
Accepting new members: Yes
Name: Raven’s Crossing Kindred
Location: Ione, OR
Contact person: Astrid Lei Thorne astridthorne67@gmail.com
Type: Norse Gythia
Accepting new members: Yes, to compatible people. Racism is not welcome.
(Clackamas, Hood River, and Multnomah Counties)
Name: Cauldronfire Witchcraft
Location: Portland, OR
Contact person: Talasyn cauldronfirepdx@gmail.com
Website: https://cauldronfire.org
Type: Celtic Polytheist Witchcraft
Accepting new members:
Name: Faun’s Circle
Location: Portland, OR
Contact person: Taryn taranarcher@gmail.com
Website: horsatradition.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/faunscircle/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/faunscircle/
Type: Horsa Tradition
Accepting new members: Yes
Name: Triskele Rose Witchcraft
Location: Oregon City, OR
Contact person: Annwyn Avalon
Website: https://www.triskelerose.com/
Type: Avalonian Witchcraft
Accepting new members:
(Douglas, Curry, Coos, Josephine and Jackson Counties)
Name: Light Seekers, Valley Dwellers, and Earth Keepers
Location: Medford, OR
Contact person: Kathwren Grace Kittybookitten9810@gmail.com
Type: Wicca
Accepting new members: Yes, to all open-minded individuals with good intentions
WILLAMETTE VALLEY AND NORTH COAST REGION (Clatsop, Columbia, Tillamook, Yamhill, Polk, Marion, Lincoln, Linn, Benton, Lane, and Washington Counties)
Name: Children of Gaia
Location: Astoria, OR
Contact person: RavenFire awiccaning@gmail.com
Type: Cassandra Tradition Witchcraft
Accepting new members: No
Name: The Circle of Shambhala Rising
Location: Rainier, OR
Contact person: Morgan Le Faye (HPS) tcosrc2023@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/tcosrcshambhalasvoxpopuli
Type: Eclectic Coven
Accepting new members: Yes
Name: Corastrix Coven
Location: Hillsboro, OR
Contact person: Tyr & Carreg lateralisrun@gmail.com
Website: https://www.mohsian.org/
Type: Mohsian – BTW
Accepting new members: Yes, to people 21+. We welcome LGBTQ+, but prefer if people have reliable transportation.
Name: Spirits Guided by the Divine
Location: Albany, OR
Contact person: Vawna yvawna@yahoo.com
Website: https://www.facebook.com/groups/454252583119408
Type: Solitaire Wiccanism
Accepting new members: Yes
Name: Wild Witches of the Willamette
Location: Salem, OR
Contact person: Anjel anjelkitty@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wildwitcheswww?paipv=0&eav=Afb4BFe-aXjcxWbHsHnUs3WFv6oPbOCw3_FA4yEYzg7SNsQG-oNPlKAIBjhvF0ucWBY&_rdr
Type: Eclectic
Accepting new members: Yes
If you have any groups to add or there are any dead links, please contact Rev. Autumn Stoneflower at autumn.stoneflower@gmail.com
If you would like to donate to help pay for our webhosting, please consider donating to Autumn Stoneflower at PayPal at autumn.stoneflower@gmail.com or you can schedule a regular donation at Patreon.