Title: Empowering Your Life with Wicca
Author: Sirona Knight
Pages: 293
Genre: Self-help, religious (Wicca)
After a brief introduction on some unnumbered pages, the book starts off with the first chapter: “The First Empowering Step: Setting Your Empowerment Goals”. It has a number of stories of people who improved their situations, a guide on creating sacred space, magic tools and focals, empowering your magical tools, the magic circle, empowering your circle, and closing the magic circle. Then it goes into goals and patters, how to set your empowerment goals, with a number of examples using stories and anecdotes. In this chapter, there is “The First Empowering Step: Love Meditation”, which is kind of confusing, since the chapter is supposed to be the first empowering step which is setting your goals. Then I read on and realized it’s broken into different types of goals: love, health, and prosperity. Each of these has a meditation, affirmation and prayer, how to create a sacred space for your goal, a ritual, and an oracle.
Chapter 2 is on creating your empowerment plan. This and every following chapter has another step to reaching your goals. Each chapter has a small amount of instruction, a few anecdotes or stories, and the following for each goal: love, health, and prosperity. Each step also has a meditation, affirmation and prayer, how to create a sacred space for your goal, a ritual, and an oracle for each type of goal.
Page 265 starts the appendices with appendix 1 on empowering Gods and Goddesses. Appendix B has a list of empowering crystals and gemstones. Appendix C has empowering magical tools. Appendix D lists empowering herbs, plants, trees, and flowers. Appendix E shows some magical symbols and is followed by the bibliography and index.
Verdict: 4/10
This is a great book for someone who has a lot of time to do rituals, guided meditations, and updating their altar and keeping sacred space. It is also a great book for someone who wants to spend a significant amount of time doing meditations and rituals. It was well-researched with some great guided meditations and rituals. The anecdotes made it a fun read and helped illustrate some points, but some readers might see it as “fluff” to lengthen each chapter.
However, it is my opinion that if you want to improve love, health, or money in your life, you can cast a spell or two, but a better use of your time would be actually following a plan to improve those aspects of your life. For example, if I wanted to not be fat (which I do), I could follow the guided meditations and rituals of all 12 steps of this book. Or I could spend that time cooking healthy meals and exercising. That’s why this book got a low rating. It’s not that the book was bad. It does what it says it will do. I just saw the methods offered as being too lengthy for the desired end result. And if I had a dollar for every time the author used the word “empowering”, I’d be rich.
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