Title: The Crystal Bible – A definitive guide to crystals
Author: Judy Hall
Pages: 400
Genre: Non-fiction, informational
The first 38 pages include the table of contents and some background information. It touches on how they’re formed and how to select your own crystals.
Starting on page 38 in alphabetical order, they dedicate 2-6 pages per type of rock starting with Agate and ending with Zoisite on page 322. Each entry has a color photo of each stone. The entry also includes a list of colors, a description of the appearance, the rarity, and source. Then it goes into the energetic attributes, healing, and position for each stone.
The final pages include several pages on the different shapes of crystals, a quick reference guide about other associations with the stones such as chakras and the zodiac, and an index.
Verdict: 10/10 – This book does exactly what it says. I would recommend this to anyone looking to know more about gemstones, looking to do energy-work with gemstones, or looking to identify gemstones.
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