The Journey Begins

Thanks for joining me! I recently moved to Gouverneur, NY.  It’s a rural, Christian, conservative area.  I’ve checked every resource at my disposal and discovered that there are no local Pagans and no local Pagan groups.   Me being Pagan, I have never felt so alone.

I have several coworkers who moved to this area who have found a community atmosphere in their local Christian church. I was unable to make local connections in that way.  I tried to start a Facebook group for Pagans living in this county.  I tried to join several Pagan groups on Facebook.  None of them were really terribly helpful.

I finally decided to start this blog in the hopes that I will connect with other Pagans.  So if you are Pagan and have a comment on what I have to say, please leave a comment!

Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton
