Freedom of Religion?

I’m going to start this post by stating that I live in the U.S.A..  This is relevant because here we supposedly have freedom of religion.  Basically, The First Amendment to the “United States Constitution prevents the government from making laws which respect an establishment of religion, prohibit the free exercise of religion….”  There is also a clause preventing workplaces from discriminating on a number of factors, one being religion.  The exception is if the employer is a religious institution. 

Just because the laws say there shouldn’t be any discrimination against religions, doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen.  It just means that employers can’t mention your religion when they fire you for it.  I’m pretty sure I have been fired for my religion at least twice in my life.  It could have been more than that, but when I get fired because I’m “not a good fit” with a school district, yet they kept a teacher who literally held a student forcibly against a wall and lied about his knowledge of the subject matter he was supposed to be teaching, it’s pretty clear there was something off about their explanation of my firing. 

Why is this coming up now?  I was chatting with my husband the other day.  He couldn’t understand why I enjoyed watching The Good Witch.  I explained that not only is it the most accurate portrayal of Paganism that I’ve seen on TV, but also that I have a dream of one day of moving somewhere and finally being accepted for who I really am, Paganism and all.  My husband flat out told me that it would never happen.  I held back my tears and told him I needed time to myself.  He assumed it was for another reason and I let him.  When I got there, I cried.  I cried for all of the times that I have had to move.  I cried because he had almost dashed my hopes that it was possible to be accepted in a small town for being Pagan. 

While I have gotten good at hiding it from my employers over the past 5 years or so, my son will be starting pre-K in the district I work in before I get tenure.  I had a choice.  I could hide my religion from my son or I can live my truth at home and hope that when the time comes, I will have been there long enough that they will overlook it.  I refuse to hide who I am from my son, so that’s the option I’m going for right now. 

Having to hide who I am in order to get (and keep) a teaching job really hurts.  It’s not like I would ever teach my students about my religion.  I just want to be able to wear a pentacle to work without worrying about being fired.  I want to be able to take my holidays off of work without fearing that I will lose my family’s sole source of income. 

It really pisses me off when I see some of my Christian friends complain that there is a “war on Christmas” because people say “Happy Holidays”.  Really!?  Christmas is a national fucking holiday!  Or when they complain that they’re being discriminated against because they can’t pray in schools.  Uh, actually, the students can.  They just can’t have it be led or required in any way by the school or any adult.  Not to mention if I had a dollar for the number of times someone on the Pagan Parenting group that I’m part of complained about the promotion of religion by someone at their school, I would be rich. 

I’m just sick of feeling like this.  I’m sick of hiding who I am.  I’m sick of worrying about losing my job if I do anything to even hint at being Pagan.  The gays had their chance at rights.  They’re working on transgender rights now.  I just wish there was something that I could do.  But there’s already a law that’s supposedly protecting me.  It just doesn’t.  Please comment and tell me that there’s hope.  I want to know that there are some open Pagans out there — preferably in small towns and teaching positions, that are actually accepted for who they are. 

FAQs About Paganism

What is Paganism?pagan-clipart-goddess-10

Paganism is a generic term that encompasses many different religions.  The few things these religions have in common is that they’re nature-based and polytheistic.  They also have some form of ritual involved in their worship.  Some examples of Pagan religions are Wicca, Asatru, and Druidism.  They are all very different and have different religious practices, different rules they abide by, and different ways of worship.

What’s the difference between Wicca and Paganism?

Wicca is a type of Paganism, just like Baptists are a type of Christianity. Most types of Wicca involves the five elements (earth, air, fire, water, spirit) to some extent. Most of them choose a pantheon of deities, usually Celtic, but often are drawn from all over the world.  Several of them worship within a circle.  Many of them do energy work (a.k.a. spells), but not all of them.  Most of them celebrate the 8 Sabbats (holidays related to the sun and time of year) and many of them celebrate the Esbats (holidays related to the moon).

Are all Wiccans witches?

Some Wiccans, both male and female, refer to themselves as witches. However, due to the negative connotation of the word “witch”, many Wiccans choose not to associate themselves with that word.

What Gods do Pagans believe in?

It really varies. Some forms of Wicca believe in one Goddess and one God. There are Goddess-only versions of Wicca. There are believers in the Goddess and God as specific archetypes, such as Maiden, Mother, and Crone, also known as the Triple Goddess. There are people who worship a specific culture, such as Celtic Wiccans or Norse Pagans. Then there are eclectic people who pick and choose which ones they worship. Finally, there are some who believe that all Goddess and Gods everywhere are valid.

How do I find what Goddess or God to Worship? 

Click here to find the article dedicated to this subject.

spellDo Pagans do spells?

Some Pagans do spells, but not all of them. Some prefer to call it energy-work.  It’s nothing more than focused prayer, sometimes with props.  We can’t turn people into toads like in the movies.  We use energy-work for things that most other religions would pray for.  We do energy-work for protection, guidance, things that we want, things that we need, etc.  I have found that they usually work, but often in mysterious ways.

Can someone curse me or do something bad to me?

Most people who do spells or energy-work generally only do good or neutral works under the idea that anything you do will come back to you times three.  Not all practitioners of energy-work believe this, so there are some people who do bad things to other people.  This, I suppose, is why protection “spells” are so popular.  Personally, I have found that usually you are surrounded by the level of energy that you are at.  If you are in a bad place, bad energy seems to find you and bad things seem to happen, whether someone is actually “casting spells” on you or not.  If you are concerned, take some steps to protect yourself.

I am interested in becoming a Pagan.  Where do I start?

Start researching different types of Paganism.  A simple Google search will often get you what you’re looking for.  When you find one you like, look into it more.  Find websites about that specific type of Paganism.  Look for other Pagans or groups in your area if you are so inclined.  Take some classes if there is anything in your area.  If there is, it is usually found in metaphysical shops and on  Join Pagan Facebook groups or like Pagan pages.

I have included a Beginner’s section to help you with the basics.

Unfortunately, most types of Paganism is a do-it-yourself type of religion.  You research it yourself, you buy the tools yourself, you practice it yourself.  That’s why most of these questions have pretty vague answers.  Most people choose their own type of observance so almost everybody has variations that are all different!

Someone close to me just told me they are a Pagan.  How do I convert them back to our religion?

You don’t.  The best thing you can do is ask them questions about what they believe and would like to practice.  You don’t have to practice it too, but your support would mean the world to them.  The worst thing you could do is push your beliefs on them.  At best they will tolerate you because they were once close to you, but they may decide they don’t want to deal with your intolerance anymore and cut you out of their life.

Someone in my family is Pagan and they’re raising their kids to be Pagan.  I want their kids to be our religion.  How do I do this?

You don’t.  If you push your religion on someone else’s kids, it’s likely the parents will make sure the kids see you less often, if at all.  If nothing else, it’s a great way to piss off the kids’ parents. Either way, they kids are going to believe what they’re going to believe, regardless of what you or their parents say or do.

If you have any questions that weren’t answered here, please leave them in the comment section.  I will add them to this list.