Wicca for Beginners

I am part of a lot of Wicca groups on Facebook. Almost daily we get someone who is new and wants to know about Wicca or Paganism asking what they need to do. Some also ask for a teacher. Almost 100% of the people who respond to those posts send them a book list to read. There are tons of people who do not learn that way and could use a teacher. Admittedly, people are going to have to read this, but I’m not giving you full books to read. These are my recommendations for people who are new and want to learn more.

  • Figure out what you believe. Is there a specific pantheon you are interested in? Are you interested in a specific type of Wicca? Figure out which deities you want to worship.
  • How would you like to worship?
  • Are you light, dark, or grey? Are you interested in only good deities and harming none? Are you interested in being in the middle because nature isn’t just light? Are you interested in dark imagery and exploring the darker side of you?

Are all of these questions too much or too specific for you? Here are some good ways to get started in Wicca. There are other types of Paganism out there worth looking into as well, in case you decide Wicca isn’t right for you.

  • Learn about the Elements.
  • Learn about and celebrate the Sabbats and Esbats.
  • Learn about ritual tools and create an altar.
  • Learn how to ground and create a Circle for ritual.
  • Look into different Gods and Goddesses to see which ones resonate with you.
  • Connect with like-minded people. Find others near you. There are a number of groups on Facebook. Join them and see if there is anyone who lives near you. Check meetup to see if there is a local group. See if there are any metaphysical shops near you. They may offer classes or at least may connect you with any groups in the area. See if there is a Pagan Pride Day near you. Attend and make some friends!

Don’t agree with my assessments about the Elements, Sabbats and Esbats, altar tools and setup, or how to create a Circle? That’s great! That means you have an opinion on how something works and that will help you better find the path that’s right for you. There is no right way to worship in Wicca. Find what works for you and do it!

Several of you may have noticed that I didn’t mention divination (like tarot cards, pendulums, runes, etc.) or spells. Wicca is a religion. While many people who believe in Pagan religions may cast spells or read tarot cards, they are not a part of the religion. There are people who do divination and cast spells that are not religious and there are people that worship in this religion without doing divination and casting spells. For those who are interested, I will include articles about those in the future.

A final note about meeting Wiccans in real life. Because this is more of a “do-it-yourself” religion than book religions, we often end up with a lot of the people that are no longer welcome in churches, a synagogues, or mosques for a variety of reasons that then choose Paganism. There are some socially awkward people, some flaky people, and some toxic people. If you see any red flags, avoid those who display them. However, there are some truly wonderful Pagans out there, so don’t let that deter you from finding your tribe!

European Pantheons

Here is a list of European Pantheons and their Gods. Each will eventually be linked to a page with information for each, but I expect that to take a long time.

* In progress

* Fraujō
* Fullō
* Ermunaz
* Ingwaz
* Nerþuz
* Sōwilō
* Teiwaz
* Þunraz
* Wōdanaz
* Wulþuz
* Wurdiz

* In progress

* Aegir
* Aesir
* Balder
* Bolverk
* Bragi
* Buri
* Day
* Earth
* Einherjar
* Einherjar
* Fjorgyn
* Forseti
* Freyja
* Freyr
* Frigga
* Fulla
* Gefion
* Gullveig
* Heimdall
* Hel
* Hermod
* Hod
* Idun
* Kvasir
* Lofn
* Loki
* Magni
* Mimir
* Modgud
* Modi
* Moon
* Nanna
* Narvi
* Night
* Njord
* Norns
* Od
* Odin
* Ran
* Rind
* Saga
* Sif
* Sigyn
* Sjofn
* Skadi
* Sun
* Syn
* Thor
* Thrud
* Tyr
* Ull
* Vali
* Valkyries
* Vanir
* Var
* Ve
* Vidar
* Vili
* Vor

Old Irish
* In progress

* In progress

* In progress