Twenty Ways To Celebrate Ostara

This is what Ostara looks like where I live
  1. Plant plants. Depending on where you live, this may or may not be a good time to plant plants outside. You can also start seeds inside if it’s too cold outside to plant anything yet.
  2. Dye eggs. Eggs have been a symbol of death and rebirth for over 60,000 years. However, dying them is one of the few traditions that do have Christian origins. It was the early Christians in Mesopotamia that dyed eggs red to symbolize Christ’s blood. Though there are a few sources that link it to Germanic Pagan practices as well. Either way, you can still enjoy dying eggs. There are many online tutorials explaining natural dying methods, or you can get a kit from the store.
  3. Have an egg hunt. Whether it’s plastic eggs with toys or candy inside or actual eggs, this can be a lot of fun, especially with kids.
  4. Balance an egg. I know that this seems weird, but it can be done! Supposedly this is one of two days a year where this is possible.
  5. Go for a walk outside. No matter what climate you live in, this is a great way to connect with nature and whatever Ostara feels like where you live.
  6. Decorate your home or altar with flowers. Flowers are another symbol of the fertility of the season.
  7. Go flower picking. Many areas have flowers that grow naturally. Go for a walk and find them!
  8. Make flower crowns or necklaces.
  9. Make foods related to the time of year. Make and eat foods with eggs, baby greens, veal, rabbit, or any foods that are in season for you right now.
  10. Plan a garden. This is a great time to plan a garden, unless the planting season has already begun.
  11. Decorate a tree with wooden painted eggs. Many people decorate outside trees with plastic eggs, but wooden eggs are an environmentally friendly alternative.
  12. Decorate your home with symbols of new life. Bunnies, chicks, baby animals, seedlings, flowers are all fun things to decorate your home with.
  13. Have some intimate time. Fertility is a big part of this holiday, though there are some superstitious people who don’t do it during this unless they’re trying to conceive.
  14. Bake. Challa, hot cross buns, bunny or egg shaped cookies are all things that are appropriate for this season.
  15. Read stories about the season. Read about the Green Man or Persophone. There are many stories about this time of year.
  16. Do animal magic. This can be anything from pretending to be an animal with young kids to doing actual shamanic work.
  17. Go bird watching. Birds tend to be more active this time of year. You may want to learn some nice calls as well.
  18. Dance. Find some music and let yourself go!
  19. Do an Ostara ritual. One of these days I will get around to writing some rituals for each sabbat. When I do that, I will post the link here.
  20. Dress in new clothes. This is an old custom for this time of year.

Twenty Ways To Celebrate Imbolc

  1. Make a Swedish Snow Lantern. This is a fun way to enjoy the snow, involve kids, and candles. If you live somewhere there is snow, this is a great way to spend the day.
  2. Make a Brigid’s Cross. The Goddess Brigid is always a big part of Imbolc. This cross is usually hung over or near the entry doorway for protection?
  3. Light candles. Candles are used as a form of sympathetic magic to help bring the sun and the warmth back after winter.
  4. Clean your home. A long time ago, our ancestors that lived in colder climates, virtually spent all of their time indoors. As a result, their homes were well-kept during this time.
  5. Declutter your home. Again, one of the themes of this day is about hearth and home. If you have more items than you need, take the time to figure out what you no longer need and donate, sell, or give it to someone who needs it.
  6. Cleanse your home. Every so often, homes have negative energy build up. Now is a great time to cleanse your home of that negativity.
  7. Do guided meditations. A lot of this day is about stillness as well. Search YouTube and find some guided meditations that you like.
  8. Do inner work. Do lit work. Do shadow work. Learn to lucid dream, astral project, or shamanic journeying. The important this is to improve your spirituality by learning something new.
  9. Unplug all electronics for the day. This should be a day of calm self-refllection. Electronics tend to ruin that. Turn off all electronics. If it’s something that you find difficult to do, you may want to make it a habit. Back when I was learning to meditate, I was encouraged to do it during down time like waiting in line at the post office or grocery store. However, that’s the time when most of us pull out our phones now, robbing us of those opportunities.
  10. Light your home by candlelight for the night. I always loved candlelight. It really seems to make things seem special. It gives enough light for interactions with family and friends, but not really enough for solo activities.
  11. Make and eat foods made with milk and dairy products. This is probably the least-celebrated of all of the Sabbats, historically. I think there were only two cultures that celebrated it, back in the day. Those that did, celebrated it because after a long and hard winter, the goats started to lactate again, giving everyone milk and cheese to eat. You don’t have to go out of your way to get goats milk and cheese, but if you do, my favorite is gjetost, a Norwegian goat cheese. But really anything to do with dairy is great. We have a homemade Mac & cheese recipe we like. Ice cream or cheesecake are also fun options. Here is a link to some other cooking options for Imbolc.
  12. Make your own cheese. Making your own cheese is surprisingly easy. The tough part is finding creamline milk that hasn’t been ultra pasteurized. I am lucky that I have a dairy up the road that sells milk like that! Here is a how-to guide on making simple cheese at home.
  13. Read books to improve your spiritual knowledge. There are so many great Pagan books out there. There is also a lot of fluff out there too. In order to find a good book nowadays I usually go off the recommendations of friends or go to an actual bookstore and flip through the book first. You can also try the inter-library loan system. Unfortunately, where I live, they don’t have a lot of Pagan books, even for inter-library loan.
  14. Feed animals who might be struggling through the winter. Those of us whose ancestors lived in cold climates struggled with having enough to eat throughout the winter. Animals still experience that struggle. If you live in a cold climate, consider leaving out some food for them.
  15. Take a walk in the snow (if your locale permits). Even if you live in a warm climate, it’s still a great idea to take a walk in nature and experience what weather is typical for Imbolc in the climate you live in.
  16. Create a corn dolly. This sounds odd because corn is associated with Lughnasadh, but the husks need to be dried first. Apparently Imbolc was a time they were made, possibly in keeping with the need for fertility for planting at Ostara. Here is a tutorial on how to make one.
  17. Create a protective sigil. Home magic is something that is great to do on this day. Here is a guide to making your own sigil.
  18. Do divination. Divination is something else that was commonly practiced historically. Usually questions were asked about the harvest and community, but feel free to ask what you want to know. Don’t have a form of divination? Now s a great time to learn! Tarot, runes, pendulums, palmistry, tea leaves, scrying, the choices are endless!
  19. Tell stories. Now is a great time for storytelling, preferably by candlelight. Pick stories that teach a lesson, teach about your religion, or traditional stories from your people.
  20. Do a ritual. Spend time honoring your personal God’s and beliefs in a ritual.

Creating A Family Yule Tradition

There are many Pagans who struggle this time of year. It seems like everyone celebrates Christmas, but we celebrate Yule. Whether you’re a new Pagan trying to start new traditions or an experienced Pagan that wants to start including your family in your Sabbat celebrations, this article is for you.

Figure out what you want. Do you want your family to do rituals together? Do you want them to do what you usually do on Christmas, but only on the Solstice instead? Do you want to create new traditions? Which ones? Do a Google search to find some inspiration.

I personally wanted to create a cultural tradition with four presents apiece (something you want, something you need, something to wear, and something to read). We would have a tree, decorate it with ornaments and natural items like popcorn and cranberries. We would bake cookies together and share a family meal. We would sing songs and spend time together as a family.

Get your spouse or partner on board. Talk with your partner about what you want. Ask them what they want. It’s pretty much a guarantee that you won’t agree about something and will have to compromise.

For my family, I didn’t really care if my son had a mythical being that brought him presents, but my husband did. I hated the idea of our son participating in photos with Santa or our neighborhood nativity play, but my husband didn’t want him to feel left out. My husband’s family had a tradition of getting pajamas and a book the night before Christmas so they can wear them and read. He also had a tradition of the kids each getting an ornament each year, so that by the time they are 18, they will have at least 18 ornaments to decorate a tree of their own. They also all sat around while their parent read “The Night Before Christmas”.

In the end, we agreed to add an ornament to the four gifts. They would open two of the gifts the night before Yule so they could read in their pajamas. We would find some mythical being to believe in related to Yule. We will not do Santa and nativity plays. We also agreed to keep stockings a tradition, but haven’t figured out what to do with them, since they only get five presents. We don’t read “The Night Before Christmas”. My husband makes a big meal for us. The kid(s) and I make and decorate cookies, but not necessarily on Yule.

Take the age of your kids into consideration. The age of a child can make a big difference when it comes to changing family traditions. The given ages are only an approximation, so you can do what works best for you and your children.

0-3 years – If you have young kids, it is an ideal time to start new traditions. If they’re really young, they won’t remember what you did last year,so you can start whatever you want without them knowing any differently.

4-7 years – If they’re a bit older, you can just make your changes saying,”We will be doing it this way from now on.”

8-10 years – They will require more explanation and possibly easing them into it. One year you can change the date and keep everything else the same. The following year you can add one tradition you like and subtract one you don’t like. You can also give some examples and ask them what they would like to include.

11-18 years – At this age, they’re more independent. Due to developmental changes, they’re starting to be more interested in their peers than the family unit. Explain to them what you would like to do. Give them some options and ask for feedback. Don’t just listen to what they have to say and do what you want anyway. Actually incorporate at least one of their suggestions, even if it wasn’t what you had in mind. If they want to celebrate Yule by staying up all night with their friends at your house then exchanging presents at dawn, let them. At least they will be on board with celebrating it, even if it’s not quite what you envisioned.

18+ years – Assuming your kids are living outside of the home, it shouldn’t matter too much what you do to celebrate. If they celebrate with you, you can inform them. There might even be pushback because it’s not what they remember fondly from their childhood. If they really have a problem with it, discuss what traditions were the most important to them and continue those traditions. If your children still live at home over the age of 18, follow the protocol for 11-18 year olds.

Take your extended family into consideration. It’s likely that most of us have some family who aren’t Pagan. Figure out what part they will play in your celebrations. Some more open-minded family members might join you for Yule presents or a Yule dinner. Many will still insist on you celebrating Christmas or Hanukkah the same way they do every year. While you can do what you want, unless they’re toxic people, I see no need to alienate family members just because they celebrate a different holiday.

When my son gets old enough to ask, I intend to explain that they celebrate Christmas so we celebrate it with them. Just like we celebrate Yule, so they come celebrate it with us. Whenever something comes up at these other celebrations that I don’t agree with, I will chalk it up to a difference in holidays. “Oh, Santa comes here because they celebrate Christmas,” then explain that we don’t do Santa when the kid is out of earshot. You may have to explain a few times. You may choose to avoid family that refuses to abide by your wishes.

Take the rest of the world into consideration. When you have kids, they don’t live in a vacuum only seeing and hearing what you want them to. They will be exposed to Christmas at the very least. You should be prepared to explain to your kids when they ask about other holidays.

I personally believe mine should be educated so they know what is out there. I plan to tell him that different people celebrate different things and that’s okay.

What does your family do to celebrate Yule? Please let us know in the comments!

Sabbats: Lughnasadh (Lammas)

Lughnasadh (the three most common pronunciations are; loo-NAS-suh, LOO-nah-sod, or loo-NESS-uh) takes place on August 1st in the northern hemisphere and February 1st in the southern hemisphere.  This is my explanation of this holiday.  It may or may not work for you and your path.  There are a number of things that this Sabbat usually celebrates: 

  •  Fertility (in plants, animals, and humans)
  • The first harvest
  • Honor the God Lugh
  • Honor any other deities related to the harvest (there are many)

Some ways of celebrating culturally are:

  •  Creating a feast with harvest foods
  • Baking bread
  • Making jelly or jam
  • Making tomato sauce
  • Preserving food (canning, jarring, etc.)
  • Going on a picnic
  • Going for a hike
  • Singing
  • Playing games, especially outdoor games
  • Plan a BBQ with seasonal foods
  • Make crafts using corn and corn husks

Some ritual ideas are:

  • Imbibe food with intention or energy and eat it
  • Make sacrifices to the local land wights, fae, or whatever else you believe in
  • Gratitude for things that have come to fruition
  • Fire magic
  • Fertility

Leaving a Gaslighting Narcissist

I am one of the lucky few that had already left my gaslighter before realizing that he gaslighted me. Most of the people I have come across are still in relationships with their gaslighter or are just out of that relationship and are dealing with the fallout. Because I was trying for a long time to heal from it, I have read a ton of articles on “how to heal” from a gaslighting narcissist. Almost all say the same thing: leave your gaslighter and do not contact them. However, none of them even come close to warning readers about the kind of fallout they can expect when they leave their gaslighting narcissist. Here are a list of behaviors that a gaslighting narcissist might exhibit when you leave or start showing signs that you want to leave:

  • Controlling money. If you have joint accounts, you can expect them to take some or all of the money you share. Alternatively, they become more controlling with money, especially if you don’t earn any yourself.
  • Trash-talking you. They may claim you are the abusive one. They may accuse you of cheating. They may claim that you are crazy and need help. You can expect to lose many friends and family members if they believe them over you.
  • Isolating you. There are a ton of ways they can isolate you. They could make you feel guilty for spending time with family and friends. They could tell you all of the mean things that your family and friends supposedly said about you. They could spend more time away from the house leaving you to have to look after the kids so you can’t live. They could arrange it so that the second vehicle suddenly doesn’t work and will take their time about getting it fixed so you can’t leave.
  • They may go all out. They may call the police and claim that YOU abused THEM. They may call CPS on you if you are with the kids and they are not. They may completely trash your house before moving out of it.
  • They may try to “love bomb” you in attempts to get you back so they can continue controlling you.
  • They may start stalking you, either in real life or social media.
  • They may manipulate your friends and family to try to get back in touch with you.
  • They may try to manipulate your kids to be biased against you.
  • They may try to take anything else that means a lot to you away from you.
  • They may withhold sex or use sex to manipulate you.
  • They may say meaner things to you than usual to elicit the emotional response they feed off of.
  • They may hide important documents so you can’t leave.
  • In some rare cases, when they feel like they are losing power over you, they may turn to violence. If your gaslighting narcissist turns to violence, contact an abuse hotline and get the fuck out. NOW.

The list above is not exhaustive. It contains the most common behaviors seen when a narcissist thinks they are losing power. If you are still with them, you need to start figuring out how to get out of the relationship. No matter what situation you are in, you can get out, you can be free. No, your gaslighting narcissist is not going to change. They may give the appearance of change, but they will never change. The only thing you can do is leave and have as little contact as possible. If you are not in a situation where they are physically abusive, you need to prepare yourself for leaving to avoid as little of the fallout as possible.

  • Separate your finances. If you have your name on any joint financial ventures, get your name off anything you can without attracting attention. If you only have a joint bank account, get one just for you. If you are working, make sure your checks go into your personal account. If you are not working, do what you can to get money together. You can check out to find some online jobs that aren’t scams (they check to make sure all postings are real jobs). The lack of money seems to be the biggest hurdle to people leaving their gaslighting narcissist. Even look into friends or family you could stay with. Or see if there are local resources for abused people. I will list some at the bottom of this article.
  • Find people you can trust. Gaslighting narcissists try to isolate you from your family and friends. Get talking to them again. Start with the most trusted friend or family member. Tell them what has been going on and explain what the effects have been on you. Move on to the point where you have a close group of family and friends that you can trust and know what is going on. You will need them to be there for you emotionally and sometimes physically. You will also have them to back you up in case your gaslighting narcissist tries to lie about you. Also, be aware that some people may not believe you. I know it will hurt (it hurt me like hell), but you need to cut those people out of your life for right now. Also warn them that your gaslighting narcissist will try to get to you through them once you leave and tell them not to relay any messages from them.
  • Gather all important papers and documents together and put them out of your gaslighting narcissist’s reach. Whether it’s the trunk of your car, with a trusted friend or family member, or a safe deposit box, find a place where they can’t be reached.
  • Document everything. Nobody wants to think about this part. Nobody wants to think that the person they love so much would ever try and do something to you legally, but it is pretty common. If you have kids, I cannot emphasize this enough. Screenshot all texts that puts your gaslighting narcissist in a bad light (it shouldn’t be difficult). Get a recorder app on your phone and record all conversations, whether on the phone or in real life. If your gaslighting narcissist tries to do anything against you, whether to get custody, try to put you in a mental health ward, press charges, etc. you will have proof that they are lying.
  • Choose your battles. What is most important for you to get out of leaving? Would you want to keep the house that is in both your names? Your car? Your kids? Your business? Which belongings are most important for you to have if you have to leave in a hurry. You need to figure out what is the most important and be prepared to act on it.
  • Get a lawyer. See about any abuse survivors assistance you can get. Contact local lawyers and ask if they are willing to take on a pro bono case.
  • Figure out what the living arrangements are going to look like. Do you own the house and will kick your gaslighting narcissist out? Are you going to stay with friends or family? Are you going to stay in a shelter? Are you going to get another apartment? Also figure out child care, if necessary.
  • Protect your own emotions. Try using the Grey Rock method of communicating with your gaslighting narcissist. Essentially the method is for you to be boring and show no emotions since narcissists feed off of emotions and drama. The only down side is that your gaslighting narcissist may choose to do more obvious and hurtful things just to get a reaction from you.

So, now you’ve done it. You got your shit in order and you left your gaslighting narcissist. Now you feel empty and alone. You doubt every decision you make. You feel like nobody cares about you. And to make it worse, your gaslighting narcissist is doing a bunch of the things on the first list to try and regain power over you. These things will help you deal with the logistics of leaving your gaslighting narcissist. I will make another article about how to heal.

  • Go “no contact”. Block their phone number. Block their e-mail addresses. Block them on social media. Lock down your social media accounts so only friends can see anything about you. If you can’t go “no contact” because you have kids or a divorce to settle, only use text-based methods of conversing and make sure you use the Grey Rock method.
  • Get your name off of any other legal documents you can. Remove your name (or their name) from credit cards, bank accounts, leases, utility bills, loans, titles or deeds, or any shared business ventures so they cannot mess up your finances.
  • Have a plan.
  • DO NOT rise to the bait when your gaslighting narcissist tries to elicit an emotional reaction from you.
  • Be prepared to go to the police if necessary. Restraining orders can be your friend.
  • Cut out anyone who is their family or friend, especially on social media. If someone knows what they did and still wants to be friends with you both, you don’t need a friend like that. It is better to have a few good friends you can trust rather than having to wonder and worry about who is actually on your side.
  • Consider changing your name on social media so your gaslighting narcissist won’t be able to search for you. It could even just be your first and middle name.
  • Talk to your kids about the situation in an age-appropriate way. Don’t worry about making your ex look like the “bad guy”. Your ex will not have the same reservations you do. If they’re old enough, explain some basic manipulation techniques so they can be aware and protect themselves if your ex ever ends up getting to see them again.

U.S.A. National Abuse Hotline
U.K. National Abuse Hotline
Law Advise for Abuse Survivors (I am assuming this is U.S.A.)

Ways to Practice Paganism Every Day

With my latest spiritual crisis and in thinking about how I’m not a good Pagan, I asked some advice, did some research, and asked for some guidance.  I don’t have a lot of time, so I had to find some way that I could easily include things in my daily life.  Here is the list of things I came up with. 

  •  Read a bit of a book on Paganism
  • Draw or do other art with Pagan themes
  • Add something from nature to your home decor
  • Practice energy work
  • Meditate
  • Scry
  • Do divination
  • Cook and put energy into the food or bless the food
  • Clean with the intention of cleansing or protecting the home
  • Light a candle
  • Light incense
  • Diffuse essential oils (be careful of this if you have pets)
  • Take a walk in nature
  • Play some Pagany music and sing, play or dance with the music
  • Try something new (i.e. energy work from a book, a craft from an article)
  • Garden
  • Ground
  • Make an offering to a God or Goddess
  • Get to know and leave offerings to the spirits (wights) of the land around you
  • Dress in clothes that you think are Pagany
  • Make a sachel
  • Make ritual jewelry
  • Make ritual foods
  • Tell stories about a God or Goddess
  • Make Pagan crafts

Sabbats and Esbats, Wiccan Holidays

The Sabbats are the eight Pagan holidays related to the passage of the sun, which is sometimes personified as a God.  A lot of Wiccans have a story of how the God is born at Yule, grows to manhood, impregnates the Goddess at Beltane, and dies at Samhain only to be reborn again at Yule.  Because they are based on the Sun, they mostly occur at the same time in the calendar year.

I am slowly including posts for each Sabbat. Each post goes into what is celebrated at each Sabbat, ways to culturally celebrate, and some suggestions for rituals at each.

Yule (Winter Solstice)

Imbolg (February 1st or August 1st for the southern hemisphere)

Ostara (Spring Equinox)

Beltane (May 1st or November 1st for the southern hemisphere)

Midsummer (Summer Solstice)

Lughnasadh (August 1st or February 1st for the southern hemisphere)

Mabon (Autumn Equinox)

Samhain (October 31st or April 31st for the southern hemisphere)

The Esbats are the 12-13 Pagan holidays related to the passage of the moon. They usually coincide with the new moon or the full moon. The moon is often personified as a Goddess. Because women’s bodies (mostly) change on a 28-day cycle, the moon is often associated with females. When I have finished with the posts for the Sabbats, I will then focus on the Esbats.

FAQs About Paganism

What is Paganism?pagan-clipart-goddess-10

Paganism is a generic term that encompasses many different religions.  The few things these religions have in common is that they’re nature-based and polytheistic.  They also have some form of ritual involved in their worship.  Some examples of Pagan religions are Wicca, Asatru, and Druidism.  They are all very different and have different religious practices, different rules they abide by, and different ways of worship.

What’s the difference between Wicca and Paganism?

Wicca is a type of Paganism, just like Baptists are a type of Christianity. Most types of Wicca involves the five elements (earth, air, fire, water, spirit) to some extent. Most of them choose a pantheon of deities, usually Celtic, but often are drawn from all over the world.  Several of them worship within a circle.  Many of them do energy work (a.k.a. spells), but not all of them.  Most of them celebrate the 8 Sabbats (holidays related to the sun and time of year) and many of them celebrate the Esbats (holidays related to the moon).

Are all Wiccans witches?

Some Wiccans, both male and female, refer to themselves as witches. However, due to the negative connotation of the word “witch”, many Wiccans choose not to associate themselves with that word.

What Gods do Pagans believe in?

It really varies. Some forms of Wicca believe in one Goddess and one God. There are Goddess-only versions of Wicca. There are believers in the Goddess and God as specific archetypes, such as Maiden, Mother, and Crone, also known as the Triple Goddess. There are people who worship a specific culture, such as Celtic Wiccans or Norse Pagans. Then there are eclectic people who pick and choose which ones they worship. Finally, there are some who believe that all Goddess and Gods everywhere are valid.

How do I find what Goddess or God to Worship? 

Click here to find the article dedicated to this subject.

spellDo Pagans do spells?

Some Pagans do spells, but not all of them. Some prefer to call it energy-work.  It’s nothing more than focused prayer, sometimes with props.  We can’t turn people into toads like in the movies.  We use energy-work for things that most other religions would pray for.  We do energy-work for protection, guidance, things that we want, things that we need, etc.  I have found that they usually work, but often in mysterious ways.

Can someone curse me or do something bad to me?

Most people who do spells or energy-work generally only do good or neutral works under the idea that anything you do will come back to you times three.  Not all practitioners of energy-work believe this, so there are some people who do bad things to other people.  This, I suppose, is why protection “spells” are so popular.  Personally, I have found that usually you are surrounded by the level of energy that you are at.  If you are in a bad place, bad energy seems to find you and bad things seem to happen, whether someone is actually “casting spells” on you or not.  If you are concerned, take some steps to protect yourself.

I am interested in becoming a Pagan.  Where do I start?

Start researching different types of Paganism.  A simple Google search will often get you what you’re looking for.  When you find one you like, look into it more.  Find websites about that specific type of Paganism.  Look for other Pagans or groups in your area if you are so inclined.  Take some classes if there is anything in your area.  If there is, it is usually found in metaphysical shops and on  Join Pagan Facebook groups or like Pagan pages.

I have included a Beginner’s section to help you with the basics.

Unfortunately, most types of Paganism is a do-it-yourself type of religion.  You research it yourself, you buy the tools yourself, you practice it yourself.  That’s why most of these questions have pretty vague answers.  Most people choose their own type of observance so almost everybody has variations that are all different!

Someone close to me just told me they are a Pagan.  How do I convert them back to our religion?

You don’t.  The best thing you can do is ask them questions about what they believe and would like to practice.  You don’t have to practice it too, but your support would mean the world to them.  The worst thing you could do is push your beliefs on them.  At best they will tolerate you because they were once close to you, but they may decide they don’t want to deal with your intolerance anymore and cut you out of their life.

Someone in my family is Pagan and they’re raising their kids to be Pagan.  I want their kids to be our religion.  How do I do this?

You don’t.  If you push your religion on someone else’s kids, it’s likely the parents will make sure the kids see you less often, if at all.  If nothing else, it’s a great way to piss off the kids’ parents. Either way, they kids are going to believe what they’re going to believe, regardless of what you or their parents say or do.

If you have any questions that weren’t answered here, please leave them in the comment section.  I will add them to this list.