Day 4 of Abstinence (round 4)

I got back working with my sponsor and finished going over my resentments, fears, and sexual regrets. I still hold onto a few resentments and fears after discussing them with her, but was told to just ask my higher power for help with those on a daily basis. I started doing that before I meditate. I have meditated 4 days out of 7 this week, which is a marked improvement. I also did strength training 2/3 times this week. I meant to do it three days a week to start with, so I am happy that I was able to do what I did. I am enjoying that I have more time, even though my husband is now working some evenings, requiring me to make dinner, do dishes, and hang out with our son. And I still feel more relaxed because I have that extra time with our son and extra time at home.

I broke my abstinence this week. I broke it over two cookies and returned to my abstinence right away. It was sort of intentional and sort of unintentional. I work at a school. I discovered that their baked goods usually have a small enough amount of sugar that I can eat them in my abstinence. Many of the other foods are like that there too. They have Italian ices and soda made with fruit juice. They had cookies for sale, so I thought it might have been the case. It wasn’t. They were full of sugar. I thought about asking my sponsor whether or not that meant I broke my abstinence. I thought about it and realized that if I had to ask, I probably did. So I re-set my count again. I am on day 4 (again).

My husband and I have a movie night once a week. We watched a movie based on an anorexic girl. She was in a facility with other people with eating disorders. Most of the other girls in the facility were bulimic or anorexic. There was one “token” fat girl who was a binge eater. I started thinking about it. Why are there so many movies about anorexic girls and none about binge eaters? I would hazard to guess that there are many more overeaters out there, considering the average BMI in this country. It’s because people would rather look at skinny girls, even the ones that are all bones and clearly unhealthy, than look at a fat girl.

When the movie was over, my husband and I got into a discussion about anorexia. He was surprised about how much knowledge I had on the subject. I told him I used to be interested in it as a disorder — probably because it was the exact opposite. I wished I was able to just not eat and lose all of my weight. I even spent some time looking up their “tips and tricks” to not eating. I even stopped eating for a whole three day stretch. But because of my issues, I couldn’t keep it up. I suppose it’s a good thing in hindsight, but I almost wished for it for a while.

I am back down to 226lbs (the weight I was at before I broke my abstinence). I only have 6 more lbs to go before I get to my pre-pregnancy weight! I have 27lbs to go before I get under 200lbs (my current weight-loss goal). I am hoping to try for another child soon and am hoping to at least be under 200lbs by then!

Healthy Living – Day 25

I spent the better part of this week either traveling or at my in-laws house for Thanksgiving.  Other than a big fast-food meal on the 5-hour drive, I ate pretty responsibly at meals.  In between the meals, however, I have done horrible.  From afar, it would look to my in-laws or my husband like I was being responsible with my eating.  However, I had candy stashed away in my purse.  When I went alone to go buy gas and a few groceries, I bought cookies too and ate them before I returned.  What is wrong with me?  Why can’t I just stop eating them?

I did also get together a shopping list and menu together for my Mediterranean diet and now that I got paid, I can actually go food shopping.  The down-side is that my husband is making me be the one to cook the meals, so that means I have even less time when I get home to get stuff done or spend with my son.  He said it was only for two weeks until he gets an idea of how the diet works.  I have two options for breakfasts and lunches for myself and different dinners every day.   Each week I have fish scheduled once (the husband objected to any fish, so this is a first step for him), chicken scheduled twice, red meat scheduled once, and the remaining three meals were some variety of vegetarian.  I told my husband he is welcome to cook meat for himself on those nights since he is the type to “need” meat at every meal.  For me, it doesn’t matter all that much.  I don’t LOVE meat, it’s just that it’s the most convenient way for me to get my protein.  We’ll see how this goes.

I also did a poor job exercising this week, but it was not for lack of desire or motivation.  I woke up on Monday feeling really “off”.  It turned out that I had a UTI.  Once they treated it, my bladder was in pain for a few days.  I made myself walk when I wanted to do no exercise.  Then on Wednesday, I fell down my stairs and dislocated my tailbone.  It kept popping painfully in and out of place for the rest of the week.  It’s still sore today, but it’s slowly becoming more manageable.  I hope I can get back on track again next week.  Hell, I just want the pain to be gone so I can exercise and at least feel like I’m doing something right with my lifestyle choices.

Also, something odd happened after eating that big fast food meal and after my “cheat day” on Saturday.  I felt “off” again maybe an hour after eating.  I couldn’t put my finger on what was wrong.  Maybe it was in my head.  Or maybe it was me feeling the effects of that unhealthy food on my body.  Either way, I need to remember that foods can have real consequences, including the painful abdominal cramps I got while my body was processing the fast food.  There are so many reasons why I shouldn’t be eating these foods and yet I consume them anyway.   I’m starting to wonder if I have a problem with food.  If so, what can I even do about it?  I’m familiar with how OA (Over-eaters Anonymous) and how they handle things.  I’m not terribly interested in following their program.  I wish there were other options.  I haven’t even filled out my food journals.  I need to find a way of being more accountable for what I put into my body.  I don’t need to declare myself powerless over food and as the Goddess to do it for me.  Although asking for help might not be a bad idea….  hmmm…..

Anyway, I’m just feeling frustrated and lost in all of this.  Sigh.

About Me and My Weight

I was fortunate growing up.  I made it all the way to 8th grade before someone made a negative comment about my body.  I had just hit puberty and gained hips, boobs, and a small belly.  I was told to do more sit-ups before continuing to wear shirts that showed off my midriff.  Since then I have been self-conscious about my stomach.  I don’t remember what I weighted throughout high school.  I wasn’t fat.  I guess I was thin but the kind of thin that also had hips and a chest.


In college, I gained the “freshman 50” and the scales topped out at around 200lbs.  I worked at an exercise place for 2 months and lost 30 of those pounds. Despite many attempts to lose the remaining 20lbs, I stayed at this weight for several years,  This was my first ever “starting weight” picture at 170lbs from 2006. I had mostly stayed naturally thin before college, so actually working to lose weight was new to me. I tried the shake for breakfast, shake for lunch thing.  That didn’t work.  I tried the blood type diet.  I tried a juice fast.  I really also didn’t stick with any of them long enough to work either.

In 2006, I took up running.  I saw a couch to 5k merunning2007program online, but you had to be able to jog for a whole minute at a time.   I couldn’t do that.  Undeterred, I trained to be able to run for a whole minute at a time.  After that, I trained to run a 5k.  My time for my first 5k was 39:35.  I made a goal to improve my time.  My third 5k was at 35:06.  My goal was to get my time under 35 minutes and I was so close!  I started counting calories.  I would snack all day on low calorie items some days and eat a fast food value meal as my whole calorie quota for other days.  Finally, a little over a year later, I was down to 145lbs!


me2007I stayed at this weight for a while.  I kept running.  I trained for and ran a 10k.  I got married and looked damn good in my wedding dress.  But the marriage went downhill fast.  I buried myself in my work so I didn’t have to spend much time at home.  I was stressed.  I stopped running.  I ate a steady diet of fast food.  I put on weight very quickly.   I gained 60 lbs in 8 months before my doctor diagnosed me with hypothyroidism.  I was exhausted all of the time.  My (then) husband admitted he was no longer attracted to me at that weight.   I tried running, but at my new heavier weight, all it did was give me knee problems.


me2012Less than two years into my first marriage and over 7 years into the relationship, we separated.  Because he was emotionally abusive, my confidence and sense of self was shattered. I didn’t know who I was anymore.  I saw myself as fat, ugly, boring, and who never stuck with anything. I saw myself as emotionally unstable, socially awkward, who needed someone to guide me.  And I lived up to my vision of myself.  I tried several diet and weight-loss programs.  I wasn’t able to stick with any for very long.  I made several bad choices in life.  My ex started bad-mouthing me to some friends and “worried” aloud about my emotional instability with others.  I had friends start to avoid me or treat me with kid gloves, afraid to ruin my fragile emotional self.  I kept to myself.  I was very lonely.  I fluctuated between 200lbs-220lbs (this photo is from 2012).  I even worked a job that required physical labor.  While I did get stronger, I didn’t end up losing any fat or any weight.  In hindsight, I feel like I kept this weight so my ex would never want me back.  He still had power over me for a long time and I was afraid of going back to him.  I refused to talk to him and avoided him as much as possible.

me2016Hypothyroidism is an interesting malady.  It can cause a number of serious symptoms.  I was lucky that it only caused weight gain, lethargy, loss of energy, coldness of the extremities, and mild hair loss.  It also makes it difficult to lose weight.  I researched the disease — often knowing more about it than the doctors I saw.  I tried a thyroid diet.  It didn’t do anything.  I tried paleo.  I couldn’t stick to it. I couldn’t stick to anything.  I berated myself for not being able to follow through with anything.  I had to switch doctors before I could convince one to switch my medications so I could have enough energy to get through the day.  It was awful!




pregnant meAfter a few years, I actually realized that I was the victim of emotional abuse.  Before my ex, I would have said that “victim” was never a part of my vocabulary.  After we split up, I didn’t exactly play the victim (he certainly played the victim, for all it was worth), but I was in a very bad state.  I worked hard to fix the damage that was done by him.  After a few years, I met a wonderful man and we really connected.  We decided to have kids together.  My experience with my first marriage left me scared of marriage.  And so, unwed at 37, I became pregnant.  The pregnancy went well until the last month.  I gained 50lbs throughout the pregnancy and my hips were unable to bear the extra weight.  I could barely walk for the last month of my pregnancy.

me and babyFinally, my son was born at 10lbs, 22.5″.  You would think that at the very least, I would have left the hospital 10lbs lighter, but I weighed the exact amount that I did when I entered it.  I retained water and my feet, ankles, and calves swelled like they never had during the pregnancy.  The picture at the left is two weeks after my son was born (yes, he was THAT big).  Everyone told me that a few weeks after the birth, the pounds would melt away.  Then they told me that exclusively breastfeeding would cause the weight to go.  They were all lies.

1007181329Again, I tried to lose weight.  Unfortunately, many methods of weight-loss were beyond me post-partum. I was healing from a C-section, so I couldn’t exercise for a long time.  I couldn’t really follow most diets because they would effect my milk supply.  Over the next year, I managed to lose 30 of those 50lbs, though I’m not sure how.  Pregnancy changed my body.  I had stretch marks all over my belly and everything seemed to have gotten bigger and flabbier, even though I am only 20lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight.  I have finally gotten over my fear of marriage and married an amazing man.  Nonetheless, my (now) husband still loves me and is still attracted to me at my current weight. And now that our son is over  year old and no longer exclusively breastfeeding, though he still nurses about twice a day, I am ready to take on losing weight for real!

Healthy Living: Day 1

Since some Pagans treat Samhain like a new year, I decided to do the same this year.  I was going to get healthy again and I was going to start by cutting all added sugars and sugar substitutes out of my diet.  I eventually had hoped to transition into either Paleo or Keto.  I know a lot of people that Keto worked for, but as a Pagan, I appreciate the idea behind Paleo better.  I hadn’t quite decided which to follow.  As it was, avoiding added sugars was going to be tough enough.

I had a breakfast of eggs scrambled in butter and topped with some cheddar cheese.  When I got to work, there was a large bowl full of leftover Halloween candy in the break room.  I was proud of myself that every time I went in there, I did not take one.  I didn’t even take one when I was sitting in there to eat lunch!  Then I had a moment when I was just ravenous and I found an old ring pop in my work bag.  I thought about it and then put it back.  I was really proud of myself for how I was doing.

For lunch I had packed a few slices of grilled chicken breast, some spaghetti squash with homemade tomato sauce and parmesan cheese, and some black olives. I was mostly distracted with work for the second half of the day.

After I went to my doctor’s appointment and found out about my bad cholesterol (you can read about it here). I  got home to discover that my husband had cooked a particularly unhealthy meal tonight.  It was broccoli sauteed in butter, baked french fries, and hot dogs.  I checked the label for hot dogs and saw that it contained sorbitol, a sugar alcohol.  I haven’t yet done the research to decide if I wanted to count that as sugar, so I didn’t.  My husband offered me some bread to use as a bun.  I looked at the package of “100% Whole Wheat Bread” and saw that the third ingredient was sugar.  Also, no ketchup for my fries.  Because sugar (well, high fructose corn syrup).  At the end of the meal, my belly was full and I felt unsatisfied.  But if nothing else, the trip to the doctor’s office had strengthened my resolve to eat healthy.
