Why is it so difficult to be body positive?

When you are a baby, fat is good. People look at the rolls and comment on how cute the “chunky thighs”. A chubby toddler is cute too because they are still growing out of their baby fat. Once a child gets school age, the negative comments tend to roll in, especially if the chubby child is a female. Working in schools, I have heard adults refer to chubby girls just starting school as a “little meatball” or “little chunker”. That’s where it starts. As young as kindergarten. I remember inviting the “fat girl” to my birthday party as a child. I didn’t actually know her all that well, but knew her as the fat girl. As we got older, she got bigger and bigger. She smelled bad, so nobody wanted to be around her. People made fun of her. I didn’t understand why, but saw that apparently fat was something you made fun of.

As you grow up, especially as a woman, you are constantly told by advertisements and media that you are not good enough. Your face isn’t shaped right, so you should fix it with makeup. You have pimples or blackheads, so you should use special products to make them go away. Buy hair products so your hair can be right. Your body isn’t shaped right, so you must eat a specific diet or work out so you can fit the right mold. Buy body shapers. Buy clothes to flatter your figure. Buy. Buy. Buy.

What nobody every told me was that these images were unattainable. These photographs were altered or they were taken of someone who was a winner of the genetic lottery. No amount of make-up, cleansers, dieting, or exercising is going to get you to look like these people in advertisements. There are several billion-dollar industries telling you how you should look.

Opposing that is the multi-billion dollar industry selling you food that will undo all of that. They do research into how much it takes you to be satiated and make their bags slightly smaller so you have to buy two. They do research into what tastes good and bombard your taste buds with those flavors. They add fillers and preservatives so it will have a longer shelf life. And none of it is good for your body. They won’t tell you that. Those chips are gluten free. Those cookies are low-fat. They will find some way to spin everything. And to top it all off, this food is somehow cheaper than buying fruits and vegetables that have had no modifications done to it! This is how our nation has become plus-sized. They offer cheaper, convenient food that tastes good that you can fit into your busy schedule.

The average woman in the U.S.A. is between a size 16 and 18. Anyone who has shopped in these sizes should know that these sizes vary widely. According to Wikipedia, the average size 18 is bust: 43 “, waist: 34″, and hips: 44.5”. With all my weight-loss, I bought a pair of sized 18 jeans last week, even though my measurements were larger than that. It was the first time in years I was able to buy jeans from the “regular” section. That’s good because the same pair of jeans from the same brand that was a size 20 was $50. The pair I bought were $24.50.

In addition to it still being okay to make fun of fat people, those who are overweight are being screwed over in other ways as well. As I mentioned earlier, clothes cost disproportionately more when you are in plus sizes. There are less brand names that carry your sizes, so you have less to choose from and it’s less likely you will look good in what you buy. Larger butts don’t fit in regular sized seats. When I was pregnant, I had to stop going to certain movie theaters because my hips swelled up too wide and I couldn’t fit in the seats. Airlines charge extra for larger seats for larger passengers. If someone in a wheelchair needed to fly, do you think they would be charged extra!? No. But it’s still okay to discriminate against fat people.

Nobody actually calls it discrimination, but that’s what it is. Before I got pregnant, I was the picture of health — on paper, except for my weight. But I had rolls and stretch marks, so I couldn’t actually be healthy. My doctors couldn’t figure out how I could be large and still healthy. That’s where this discrimination comes from, the idea that it’s okay to discriminate against people, because we did this to ourselves. We made ourselves fat by eating too much or the wrong things or not exercising. When, in reality, these companies are marketing all of these foods that not only make you fat, but are addictive. And they get away with it because everyone can still discriminate against fat people. They claim they are worried for their health. If they were really concerned about our health, there would be body-positive ads on tv. There would be as many commercials about vegetables as for junk food. Food lobbyists wouldn’t be allowed to influence the national food pyramid (or whatever it is they’re calling it this year).

And then social media tells me to love my body. Even though it’s 39 years old, has several surgery scars, a large pooch from where my son lived for 10 months, some whiteheads on my cheeks, some stretchmarks on my belly, too much hair on some areas, mis-matched boobs, hair that won’t do what I want it to, joints that tell me that I am either too heavy or getting old, muscles that won’t do what I want them to anymore, fat rolls, and not enough energy to get me through the day. I am supposed to suddenly love all of that? After being told my whole life that I am not good enough, that I must pay extra because I’m fat, that I will never live up to the ideal beauty, that because of my sex I am often defined and judged by my looks, but I am supposed to forget all of the conditioning and just suddenly love myself!? I have seen through that false advertising long ago, but it’s still a whole lot to swallow. I would love to love my body, but I’m just not sure I can.

OA Recovery: Day 69 of Abstinence

I have been very busy with work lately. Unfortunately, it means that I have had to abandon my work on step 5 for the time being. Some people have told me that I am just making excuses, but I would like to spend the short time I am at home with my son. He is more important than my recovery. Also, my struggles with being so busy only will last until the end of the month. Since there is an end in sight, I plan to put off my remaining step 5 work until then. I am very stressed and don’t need the additional emotional stress from working step 5 right now.

I have discovered that there is a big difference between an eating plan and abstinence. Abstinence is just not eating my trigger foods. Following an eating plan is a whole other animal. I thought once I knew what I should eat, that I would eat it. After all, I have over 60 days of abstinence. It can’t be harder than cutting out sugary foods. Haha! It sure was! I have yet to have one day this week when I have completely followed my eating plan.

My daily eating plan is as follows:
– 1.5-3 cups of fruit
– 2-3 cups of vegetables
– 6-7 oz grains (half should be whole grains)
– 6 oz protein
– 2 cups dairy

I decided to break it down as follows:
Breakfast – 1 c. Cheerios with 1 c. low-fat milk and 1 c. yogurt
Lunch – a big salad with chickpeas and lots of veggies
Dinner – 4 oz grains (weighed out 4oz), 4 oz protein (weighed out 4oz), 1 c. vegetables
Snacks – 1 apple, 1 banana

This food plan seemed like to much and not enough at the same time. I never wanted to eat my lunch, so I didn’t. I love vegetables, but not salads. It also felt like dinner was too much food. I left the dinner table every night with a stomachache having eaten so much. Today I took a second look at the eating plan and realized I had been doing a few things wrong. One ounce of grains doesn’t necessarily mean literally an ounce. It often means a slice of bread or 1/2 cup cooked rice, pasta, or cereal. It was the same for protein. One ounce of protein meant 1 oz of lean meat, 1 egg, 1 tbsp peanut butter, 1/4 c. cooked beans, or 1/2 oz of nuts. Ack! That means I STILL haven’t been eating enough! So I need to figure out how I’m going to do all of that. I was also surprised that I had lost 3 lbs when I weighed myself for my weekly weighing. Maybe I wasn’t eating enough food before!

I spoke with a well-meaning woman who was telling me that eating plans like this aren’t sustainable because you will eventually miss eating certain foods and will end up eating what tastes good. She had a bit of a point about the low-fat dairy and the salad. However, I did okay with the rest of my eating plan. When I asked her what she eats, she just eats what tastes good and in reasonable amounts. While that’s great for her, I don’t feel like it would work for me right now at this point in my recovery. She also explained that OA is more about abstaining from trigger foods rather than following specific eating plans. I feel like I’m more confused than every about what I’m “supposed” to eat.

I also realized that one tool I really don’t utilize much is the phone calls/messaging/texting. I am used to being so independent and not trusting anyone. That’s something that has become worse for me in recent years. I am afraid to make new friends at this point. I am afraid of losing them like all of the ones that believed my ex-husband’s lies. I am also afraid of them finding out that I’m Pagan and me losing my job because of it. There is so much to fear.

I Think I’m A Compulsive Overeater

I have been thinking a lot lately about my eating behaviors and how I have struggled time and again to follow an eating plan — any eating plan. It wasn’t that big a deal before. I blamed hypothyroidism and having a baby. To be fair, both contributed greatly to my current weight. Even so, I thought about how finding sweets, especially chocolate, to snack on almost seemed like a need. With my cholesterol how it is, following a diet may literally be the difference between life and death and I couldn’t even stick with it for two weeks. That’s when I realized that I had a problem.

My specific abnormal food behaviors are as follows:
– I eat when I’m not hungry
– There are times when I eat so much that I feel sick
– I have feelings of guilt, shame, and embarrassment over the way I eat and the way I look
– I eat sensibly in front of others and make up for it when I’m alone
– My eating is affecting my health
– My eating behaviors are making me unhappy
– I have tried fasting or severely restricting my food to try and lose weight
– I have eaten food that was very stale
– There are certain foods that I can’t stop eating after I have the first bite
– I have lost weight by following a diet, only to gain it all back by binge eating
– I spend too much time thinking about food and planning my next diet

After some internet searches, I found the Overeaters Anonymous website. I took their quiz and found that I had about half of the abnormal food behaviors on the list. I looked for some meetings in my area. The closest ones were 40 minutes away and happened at 10am on two weekdays a week. Wtf, do they expect only housewives to have this problem!? I found an online meeting group and an online support group. I posted there, explained that I was new, told them about my problem, and asked for advice. The advice was to get some of the literature, attend a meeting, and find a temporary sponsor.

The book and workbook came in and I found a Pagan sponsor! I was excited about this because it’s tough to trust in a higher power when I believe in so many. I was hoping since she understood the nature of Paganism, she would be able to help me with this when the time was right. I read the first two chapters of the book and really related with a lot of it. My sponsor asked me a lot of questions. I was surprised at the answers to some of them. One of them was that I was scared to start. After a lot of thinking and soul-searching on the topic, I discovered that I was afraid to give up sugar. i was afraid of never tasting it again. And that never tasting some of the foods that I really loved saddened me. I realized then that must be how an alcoholic feels about taking a drink. I understood in that moment that I truly am an addict — to sugar.

Over the holidays, we visited a number of people and I watched myself closely. My son is starting to notice these patterns and behaviors in me. My mom had a bowl of mini-m&ms set out. I kept going back for handful after handful. Every time I did, my son would hear my hand in the bowl and ran over asking for “more”. He’s learning my eating behaviors from me by watching me. I tried to control myself for his sake and failed. I kept going back for more and more m&ms. She must have kept refilling them because the bowl was never empty. I had a similar issue at my mother-in-law’s house with my favorite cookies.

Because of this, my sponsor and I decided that I should start by abstaining from sugary foods. Out of the four days I tried, I succeeded one. I suppose that was a huge success, but I felt like a failure. I am feeling a little lost in the process at the moment.

Healthy Living – Day 25

I spent the better part of this week either traveling or at my in-laws house for Thanksgiving.  Other than a big fast-food meal on the 5-hour drive, I ate pretty responsibly at meals.  In between the meals, however, I have done horrible.  From afar, it would look to my in-laws or my husband like I was being responsible with my eating.  However, I had candy stashed away in my purse.  When I went alone to go buy gas and a few groceries, I bought cookies too and ate them before I returned.  What is wrong with me?  Why can’t I just stop eating them?

I did also get together a shopping list and menu together for my Mediterranean diet and now that I got paid, I can actually go food shopping.  The down-side is that my husband is making me be the one to cook the meals, so that means I have even less time when I get home to get stuff done or spend with my son.  He said it was only for two weeks until he gets an idea of how the diet works.  I have two options for breakfasts and lunches for myself and different dinners every day.   Each week I have fish scheduled once (the husband objected to any fish, so this is a first step for him), chicken scheduled twice, red meat scheduled once, and the remaining three meals were some variety of vegetarian.  I told my husband he is welcome to cook meat for himself on those nights since he is the type to “need” meat at every meal.  For me, it doesn’t matter all that much.  I don’t LOVE meat, it’s just that it’s the most convenient way for me to get my protein.  We’ll see how this goes.

I also did a poor job exercising this week, but it was not for lack of desire or motivation.  I woke up on Monday feeling really “off”.  It turned out that I had a UTI.  Once they treated it, my bladder was in pain for a few days.  I made myself walk when I wanted to do no exercise.  Then on Wednesday, I fell down my stairs and dislocated my tailbone.  It kept popping painfully in and out of place for the rest of the week.  It’s still sore today, but it’s slowly becoming more manageable.  I hope I can get back on track again next week.  Hell, I just want the pain to be gone so I can exercise and at least feel like I’m doing something right with my lifestyle choices.

Also, something odd happened after eating that big fast food meal and after my “cheat day” on Saturday.  I felt “off” again maybe an hour after eating.  I couldn’t put my finger on what was wrong.  Maybe it was in my head.  Or maybe it was me feeling the effects of that unhealthy food on my body.  Either way, I need to remember that foods can have real consequences, including the painful abdominal cramps I got while my body was processing the fast food.  There are so many reasons why I shouldn’t be eating these foods and yet I consume them anyway.   I’m starting to wonder if I have a problem with food.  If so, what can I even do about it?  I’m familiar with how OA (Over-eaters Anonymous) and how they handle things.  I’m not terribly interested in following their program.  I wish there were other options.  I haven’t even filled out my food journals.  I need to find a way of being more accountable for what I put into my body.  I don’t need to declare myself powerless over food and as the Goddess to do it for me.  Although asking for help might not be a bad idea….  hmmm…..

Anyway, I’m just feeling frustrated and lost in all of this.  Sigh.

Healthy Living – Day 18

Last night I woke up out of a sound sleep at 2am with my heart POUNDING.  It wasn’t like the pounding of anxiety or even being frightened.  It felt like my heart was trying to fly out of my chest — on the right side.  I had to wake up a little bit before I realized that my heart isn’t even on that side of my body, but nonetheless it scared me. 

I haven’t been following my healthy living plan very well this week.  I accidentally bought peach tea on Monday instead of unsweetened and didn’t realize until I had a sip.  After that, it just went downhill.  Sometimes it was little things like eating rigatoni whose sauce was sure to have added sugar in it.  Other times, I just visited my coworkers that give out candy and grabbed some.  I have been working out less this week too.  I had to stay late for a meeting at work on Tuesday and by the time I got home, it was too dark to walk.  On Thursday, the snow was falling so heavily, I figured it would be dangerous to walk on the road.  On Friday morning, I never got my e-mail with my strength training video on it.  To be honest, I have been pretty self-loathing about my inability to follow my diet and exercise plan this week.  I don’t know what’s wrong with me!  All of the pain caused by my weight, needing to lose weight so I can have another baby, and needing to lower my cholesterol should be enough to motivate me to lose weight, exercise, and eat healthy!

When I awoke in the middle of the night with my heart pounding, I immediately felt like I wasn’t doing enough to fix my cholesterol levels.  My sister did some research on diets to reduce cholesterol and it seems that the only one that actually shows anything definitive was the Mediterranean diet, of which I knew very little.  A few internet searches showed me that I wasn’t going to like it much.  One of them had a sample diet.  There was a salad for dinner almost every night.  I’m not a big fan of salads for a multitude of reasons.

I went online and found a few books on the Mediterranean diet.  I looked at the one that was the best seller.  It was even rated for 4.5 stars.  I read the one-star reviews.  They complained that all of the food took a really long time to cook and required ingredients that were not readily available in most grocery stores.  I live in a rural area, so the odds were, the same thing would happen to me.  I found another book instead that has recipes that can be made in 30 minutes. 

I bought and read the book today.  It also had a brief explanation of the diet at the beginning.  It’s pretty simple.  Half of the plate should be vegetables of some sort, a quarter should be protein, a quarter should be whole grains.  Fruit can be for dessert.  They also said fish and seafood should be consumed at least twice per week, beans/legumes should be consumed daily, poultry is fine, and that red meat should be only once a week.  Most of the dairy allowed are eggs, greek yogurt, and goat cheese. Sugars are kept to a minimum and occur only in fruit and honey.  The only bread seems to be pita bread and “crusty whole wheat” bread.  I’m not sure where to find it, but I suppose I could figure out how to bake it if I have the time.  I also put out a Facebook post, announcing to my family that I would be following this diet and to do what they can to help me stick with it. Right now, we’re working with the food we have until I get paid again.  Nonetheless, I did okay for dinner tonight: parmesan encrusted pork chops, balsamic broccoli and mushrooms, and white rice (we don’t have brown). A new week is starting, so I just need to pick myself back up again and keep on going.

Starting weight: 239.0 lbs
Current weight: 237.6 lbs

Healthy Living: Day 11

I survived the sugar withdrawal, though there were times I wasn’t sure I would.  I had a few days without energy and two where I suffered from actual depression, but I got through it.  I discovered that my brain works better when it’s not on sugar.  On my second day without sugar, I set about trying to learn something for work.  I couldn’t wrap my brain around it, so I gave up for the day.  It wasn’t urgent, so it could wait a little while.  Four days later, I tried again and I was able to do it! 

I also discovered how difficult it is to give up sugar in all forms (including sugar substitutes).  It’s in EVERYTHING!  Here is a partial list of “healthy foods” where I didn’t expect to find added sweeteners:

  •  Bread
  • Peanut butter
  • Cheerios
  • Ketchup
  • Tomato sauce
  • Plain yogurt
  • Canned oranges
  • Baked beans
  • Salad dressing
  • Coffee creamers
  • Granola bars
  • Juice drinks
  • Apple sauce
  • Anything labeled ‘Lite”

As a result, we had to consume a lot of homemade foods.  It sounds simple, giving up sugar, but there were a lot of foods I didn’t expect to have to give up or find alternatives for!

I have followed my exercise plan so far, except for one Thursday where it got dark out before I had a chance to go for a walk.  I thought about going anyway, but we live on rural back roads.  There is no shoulder and sometimes there isn’t much room for two cars to pass each other going opposite ways.  In addition, people love to speed on these types of roads.  My husband convinced me that it isn’t safe, so I didn’t go.  I asked for a reflective vest for Yule, so hopefully I will be able walk at night if it happens in the future.  Because my body is not used to regular exercise (previously I was lucky if I worked out twice a week), by the middle of this week, I was physically exhausted. I fell asleep early when I got home.  I woke up with sore muscles and sore joints. I was looking forward to Sunday so my body would have a break from the exercise!

Yesterday was my first cheat day.  I have decided to have a cheat day every other Saturday.  It worked out well because it coincided with Thanksgiving at my mother’s house.  We are in the United States and decided to celebrate it early since they’re flying out west to spend the real Thanksgiving with my sister.  Anyway, I took full advantage of my cheat day.  I had hot chocolate and applesauce for breakfast.  I had wine with dinner.  I ate two pieces of pie for dessert.  And my stomach hurt SO BADLY!  It wasn’t because it was full either.  My stomach just wasn’t happy with the foods I put in it.  I wish I knew which ones bothered it so much. 

Today is my fast day.  I am trying to fast (not eat) until dinner.  In the research I have done, I noticed that people who mixed up their diet now and then had greater results.  That’s why I incorporated a cheat day and a fast day.  I honestly expected my fast day to be more difficult than it is.  I suppose after the stomach discomfort I had yesterday, it actually feels okay to not eat!

I’m proud of myself and being able to stick with this eating and exercise plan so far.  I know I’m only on day 11, but I’ve managed to stick with this longer than 95% of the plans I’ve done over the past few years!

Starting weight: 239.0lbs
Current weight: 237.6lbs

How I Spent My Samhain

I usually celebrate the Sabbats with my Circle.  Unfortunately, I have moved far away from them.  As a result, any time they gather for a night ritual, I can’t attend.  I’d fall asleep on the way home.  I thought they were celebrating Samhain on a Friday night, so I didn’t attend it.  I later found out it was on a Saturday, so I was a little annoyed.  I had to figure out how to celebrate this Sabbat on my own.

Now, Samhain is my least favorite Sabbat.  Usually our Circle’s ritual will involve honoring the deceased and I spend the whole night crying because I miss them.  Never mind the fact that the last family member I lost was close to 10 years ago, I still bawl my eyes out every Samhain because I still miss them. 

While I did decorate my altar with the photos of deceased friends and family this year, I decided to treat Samhain like a new year and did some divination based on my resolution to lose weight.  I asked how I could overcome the my issues with consistency and asked what was holding me back.  My favorite go-to divination tool is a pendulum, but this required more than a yes or no answer.  I dug through my pile of divination tools that are rarely used and was drawn to two that I almost never use — crone stones and tarot cards. 

First, I decided to draw three crone stones.  Usually when divination tools are drawn in groups of 3, the first one represents past, the second one represents present, and the third one represents the future. I drew them in the above order.  According to the booklet that came with them, the first one is The Dancer. The Dancer’s message is that physical energy can be used to tap divine energy.  Get outdoors.  Take a yoga class.  Yes, the booklet actually said that!  I used to enjoy running, but my body can’t handle it anymore.  I have been meaning to start walking, but have had difficulties finding the time. 

The second stone was She Who Knows.  The booklet discussed the inner knowing that we all possess.  I turned my attention inward and realized that it is my emotions holding me back.  My first husband was emotionally abusive and some of it still affects me today.  Admittedly, the more time goes by, the less it affects me.    I am healing, it’s just taking longer than I would like.  I look forward to the day when I am completely healed! I feel like my weight-loss journey is one of the last vestiges of the emotional damage.  He once told me he wasn’t attracted to me after I gained weight.  I think subconsciously I stay this size so he won’t still be attracted to me. It’s not even like I see him that often.  Nonetheless, it’s time to move on.

The third stone was Let Go.  The booklet said it signifies the release of emotional baggage.  That’s what I need to do to succeed at losing weight and getting healthier?  So I just need to figure out how to get rid of my emotional baggage.  It’s easier said than done.  I’ve been working on it for years.

I am not really adept at using tarot cards.  It took me forever just to find a set I liked.  I needed to use the paper that came with it just to remind myself how to do the traditional spread.   For those of you who are interested in such things this is the Tarot of the Moon Garden. 

1. PRESENT POSITIONJudgement: Rejuvenation, rebirth, improvement, and development.  That sounds about right.
2. IMMEDIATE INFLUENCE – The Sun: Accomplishment, contentment, success, satisfaction.  This sounds like a pretty good influence!
3. GOAL OR DESTINY – The Star: Fulfillment, the proper balancing of desire and work, and effort, love and expression, bright prospects.  Wow, you can’t get much better than that!
4. DISTANT PAST FOUNDATION -Knight of Pentacles: A mature and responsible person, reliable, methodical, patient, persistent, organize.  Yup, that’s the person I used to be.  I am working hard to become her again.
5. RECENT PAST EVENTS – Seven of Swords: New plans, endeavor, partial success.  Again, this seems right.  I keep moving, starting new jobs, starting over, and starting new weight loss plans that don’t come to fruition.
6. FUTURE INFLUENCE -The Fool: Thoughtlessness, folly, lack of discipline, irrationality, insecurity, and enthusiasm.  This is going to be what influences my future!?  Well, shit. I had hoped for something a little more promising.
7. THE QUESTIONER -Nine of Cups: Success, marital attainment, well-being, abundance.  Well, I do have a job I like.  I have an awesome husband and an amazing son.  I like where we live.  I could use a little more financial abundance.  Things are tight with money right now and I need to lose weight, but otherwise I’m doing quite well for myself.
8. ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS -King of Pentacles: A person of character and intelligence, loyal friend, reliable marriage partner. I’m not sure how this is an environmental factor.  It just sounds like a description of me.  Maybe I am the environmental factor?
9. INNER EMOTIONS -Nine of Swords: Concern, anxiety, and despair.  Well, that about sums it up!
10. FINAL RESULTS -Ace of Swords: Great determination, initiative, strength, force, activity, triumph, and success.  I couldn’t ask for better! 

A few of these made no sense like the King of Pentacles and the Fool, but overall, it looks like I am going to be able to do what I’m supposed to do and lose the weight.

I also tried to do some shamanic journeying to ask for wisdom.  However, I ended up falling asleep instead, so that ended my Samhain.

About Me and My Weight

I was fortunate growing up.  I made it all the way to 8th grade before someone made a negative comment about my body.  I had just hit puberty and gained hips, boobs, and a small belly.  I was told to do more sit-ups before continuing to wear shirts that showed off my midriff.  Since then I have been self-conscious about my stomach.  I don’t remember what I weighted throughout high school.  I wasn’t fat.  I guess I was thin but the kind of thin that also had hips and a chest.


In college, I gained the “freshman 50” and the scales topped out at around 200lbs.  I worked at an exercise place for 2 months and lost 30 of those pounds. Despite many attempts to lose the remaining 20lbs, I stayed at this weight for several years,  This was my first ever “starting weight” picture at 170lbs from 2006. I had mostly stayed naturally thin before college, so actually working to lose weight was new to me. I tried the shake for breakfast, shake for lunch thing.  That didn’t work.  I tried the blood type diet.  I tried a juice fast.  I really also didn’t stick with any of them long enough to work either.

In 2006, I took up running.  I saw a couch to 5k merunning2007program online, but you had to be able to jog for a whole minute at a time.   I couldn’t do that.  Undeterred, I trained to be able to run for a whole minute at a time.  After that, I trained to run a 5k.  My time for my first 5k was 39:35.  I made a goal to improve my time.  My third 5k was at 35:06.  My goal was to get my time under 35 minutes and I was so close!  I started counting calories.  I would snack all day on low calorie items some days and eat a fast food value meal as my whole calorie quota for other days.  Finally, a little over a year later, I was down to 145lbs!


me2007I stayed at this weight for a while.  I kept running.  I trained for and ran a 10k.  I got married and looked damn good in my wedding dress.  But the marriage went downhill fast.  I buried myself in my work so I didn’t have to spend much time at home.  I was stressed.  I stopped running.  I ate a steady diet of fast food.  I put on weight very quickly.   I gained 60 lbs in 8 months before my doctor diagnosed me with hypothyroidism.  I was exhausted all of the time.  My (then) husband admitted he was no longer attracted to me at that weight.   I tried running, but at my new heavier weight, all it did was give me knee problems.


me2012Less than two years into my first marriage and over 7 years into the relationship, we separated.  Because he was emotionally abusive, my confidence and sense of self was shattered. I didn’t know who I was anymore.  I saw myself as fat, ugly, boring, and who never stuck with anything. I saw myself as emotionally unstable, socially awkward, who needed someone to guide me.  And I lived up to my vision of myself.  I tried several diet and weight-loss programs.  I wasn’t able to stick with any for very long.  I made several bad choices in life.  My ex started bad-mouthing me to some friends and “worried” aloud about my emotional instability with others.  I had friends start to avoid me or treat me with kid gloves, afraid to ruin my fragile emotional self.  I kept to myself.  I was very lonely.  I fluctuated between 200lbs-220lbs (this photo is from 2012).  I even worked a job that required physical labor.  While I did get stronger, I didn’t end up losing any fat or any weight.  In hindsight, I feel like I kept this weight so my ex would never want me back.  He still had power over me for a long time and I was afraid of going back to him.  I refused to talk to him and avoided him as much as possible.

me2016Hypothyroidism is an interesting malady.  It can cause a number of serious symptoms.  I was lucky that it only caused weight gain, lethargy, loss of energy, coldness of the extremities, and mild hair loss.  It also makes it difficult to lose weight.  I researched the disease — often knowing more about it than the doctors I saw.  I tried a thyroid diet.  It didn’t do anything.  I tried paleo.  I couldn’t stick to it. I couldn’t stick to anything.  I berated myself for not being able to follow through with anything.  I had to switch doctors before I could convince one to switch my medications so I could have enough energy to get through the day.  It was awful!




pregnant meAfter a few years, I actually realized that I was the victim of emotional abuse.  Before my ex, I would have said that “victim” was never a part of my vocabulary.  After we split up, I didn’t exactly play the victim (he certainly played the victim, for all it was worth), but I was in a very bad state.  I worked hard to fix the damage that was done by him.  After a few years, I met a wonderful man and we really connected.  We decided to have kids together.  My experience with my first marriage left me scared of marriage.  And so, unwed at 37, I became pregnant.  The pregnancy went well until the last month.  I gained 50lbs throughout the pregnancy and my hips were unable to bear the extra weight.  I could barely walk for the last month of my pregnancy.

me and babyFinally, my son was born at 10lbs, 22.5″.  You would think that at the very least, I would have left the hospital 10lbs lighter, but I weighed the exact amount that I did when I entered it.  I retained water and my feet, ankles, and calves swelled like they never had during the pregnancy.  The picture at the left is two weeks after my son was born (yes, he was THAT big).  Everyone told me that a few weeks after the birth, the pounds would melt away.  Then they told me that exclusively breastfeeding would cause the weight to go.  They were all lies.

1007181329Again, I tried to lose weight.  Unfortunately, many methods of weight-loss were beyond me post-partum. I was healing from a C-section, so I couldn’t exercise for a long time.  I couldn’t really follow most diets because they would effect my milk supply.  Over the next year, I managed to lose 30 of those 50lbs, though I’m not sure how.  Pregnancy changed my body.  I had stretch marks all over my belly and everything seemed to have gotten bigger and flabbier, even though I am only 20lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight.  I have finally gotten over my fear of marriage and married an amazing man.  Nonetheless, my (now) husband still loves me and is still attracted to me at my current weight. And now that our son is over  year old and no longer exclusively breastfeeding, though he still nurses about twice a day, I am ready to take on losing weight for real!

I Have Bad Cholesterol

Just one day after doing divination to try and figure out what is holding me back from losing weight and how I can get motivated and be more consistent, I went to the doctor for a follow-up.  I had a long list of symptoms: diarrhea, foot and ankle pain after I recline my feet, knee and wrist pain that felt like old injuries coming back, waking up at 3am without being able to get back to sleep, waking up in the middle of the night to pee, being tired most of the time, and some depression.

My doctor had a bunch of tests done and most of them had come back.  I did not have Lyme’s Disease or an autoimmune disease.  My thyroid numbers were normal, thanks to medication.  I had the markers of a UTI.  My cholesterol numbers were also off. While the total cholesterol was within normal range, my good cholesterol is 35 when it should be above 60 and my bad cholesterol is 120 and it should be below 70 (the paper said 100 and it was crossed out and 70 was written in).

My doctor recommended I get 30-60 minutes of exercise daily, keep a food journal,  and gave me a paper about a low cholesterol diet.  It involves eating less saturated fats, and more monounsaturated fats (whatever that means).  I flipped through and it looked like your typical food pyramid with 6 grain servings, 3 vegetable servings, 2 fruit servings, 2 protein servings, etc.  Then I saw a typical meal plan and noticed that it included margarine!  There is NO WAY that eating margarine could possibly be good for me.  Then I saw the copyright from the paper.  It was from the ’90s.  This information was 20 years old.  It must be outdated.

I spent the drive home worried that I would have a heart attack or stroke and my little boy would have to grow up without a mother. I thought about how I would just have to find a way to fit exercise into my already busy schedule.  I also racked my brain for a low-cholesterol diet.  In my time researching and trying different diets over the years, they had almost all claimed to lower cholesterol.  That includes the keto diet and paleo diet — both of which are chock full of the fats that I am apparently not supposed to be having.  I also worried that my next appointment was 6 months away.  What if I choose the wrong diet to follow and it makes my cholesterol worse?  I won’t even know about it for 6 months!?

I checked the American Heart Association and Mayo Clinic websites on what to do to lower my cholesterol.  They agreed about several things:

  • Have a heart-healthy diet.  The two differed on what that meant. They only agreed that I should reduce my saturated fats and trans fats. The American Heart Association suggested a plan similar to the one the doctor gave me.  The Mayo Clinic recommended adding Omega-3 fatty foods, foods with soluble fiber, and whey protein.
  • Get more exercise. I have a membership to a website that puts out workout videos three days a week.  They’re a half hour long and I can choose from beginner, intermediate, and advanced.  Of course, I’m on the beginner one.  On the days I don’t do those exercises, I will walk for 10 minutes after work.  I will work my way up to a half hour.
  • Lose weight. This one is going to be tough. I have hypothyroidism.
  • Quit smoking (a non-issue for me).

I knew that the food industry puts out conflicting information so that people will buy their food, but I didn’t expect to encounter it on actual medical informational websites.  If there is one heart-healthy diet, everyone could clearly agree on what it is, couldn’t they?  So now I’m confused about how to eat.  I will start exercising, but I will have to do more research of my own.  And I really don’t have the time or the energy to be dealing with all of this right now.  I have a full-time job, a part-time blog, and I’m a mom, so that means I don’t get a rest when I get home either.


Healthy Living: Day 1

Since some Pagans treat Samhain like a new year, I decided to do the same this year.  I was going to get healthy again and I was going to start by cutting all added sugars and sugar substitutes out of my diet.  I eventually had hoped to transition into either Paleo or Keto.  I know a lot of people that Keto worked for, but as a Pagan, I appreciate the idea behind Paleo better.  I hadn’t quite decided which to follow.  As it was, avoiding added sugars was going to be tough enough.

I had a breakfast of eggs scrambled in butter and topped with some cheddar cheese.  When I got to work, there was a large bowl full of leftover Halloween candy in the break room.  I was proud of myself that every time I went in there, I did not take one.  I didn’t even take one when I was sitting in there to eat lunch!  Then I had a moment when I was just ravenous and I found an old ring pop in my work bag.  I thought about it and then put it back.  I was really proud of myself for how I was doing.

For lunch I had packed a few slices of grilled chicken breast, some spaghetti squash with homemade tomato sauce and parmesan cheese, and some black olives. I was mostly distracted with work for the second half of the day.

After I went to my doctor’s appointment and found out about my bad cholesterol (you can read about it here). I  got home to discover that my husband had cooked a particularly unhealthy meal tonight.  It was broccoli sauteed in butter, baked french fries, and hot dogs.  I checked the label for hot dogs and saw that it contained sorbitol, a sugar alcohol.  I haven’t yet done the research to decide if I wanted to count that as sugar, so I didn’t.  My husband offered me some bread to use as a bun.  I looked at the package of “100% Whole Wheat Bread” and saw that the third ingredient was sugar.  Also, no ketchup for my fries.  Because sugar (well, high fructose corn syrup).  At the end of the meal, my belly was full and I felt unsatisfied.  But if nothing else, the trip to the doctor’s office had strengthened my resolve to eat healthy.
